2011年1月25日 星期二
This document details the severe symptoms of a condition called Compensatory Sweating (C.S.) that I have suffered ever since an Endoscopic Transthoracic Sympathectomy (E.T.S.) operation I had in Ireland in May 2003.
P.S. I have deliberately left out the name of my surgeon.
Weeks Post Operation
Within a week of my operation I had the Compensatory Sweating symptoms. My first real case of C.S. was in a night club when my tee-shirt was drenched in sweat exactly from the nipple line down but perfectly dry above!
I knew I was definitely in trouble when I played my first game of golf after the operation on a nice summer’s morning. Despite teeing off at 7.30a.m. my back was soaked in sweat and my underpants were soaked through. I would have previously never sweated at all in these conditions. I have had the C.S. problem ever since.
Compensatory Sweating (C.S.)
The term Compensatory Sweating is actually a “misnomer”. Its title would imply that the body will sweat the same amount (from the armpits down) to compensate for the sweat that would have been produced by the head and face. However this is simply not the case. The surface area over which I now sweat is at least 10 times the area of the head and face. Factor in that the rate at which I now sweat is at least doubled or trebled, then this means that I now sweat at least 20 times what I previously sweated. “Post ETS Hyperhidrosis” would be a far more accurate term for this sweating.
Post ETS “Reflux Sweating” ETS後的"反射性出汗"
Because the sympathetic nervous system chain has been severed it doesn’t function properly anymore. When my body gets warm my brain sends a signal to the body to start to cool itself. Because my face and head can no longer act as cooling mechanisms the only option left to my body is to cool itself from the chest down by sweating.
Whereas before sweat could easily evaporate or be wiped off my brow and hands, obviously sweat from beneath clothing cannot - therefore drastically reducing the body ability to cool itself. As result my body now sweats profusely. However worse still my brain is obviously not receiving information back through the sympathetic nervous system. It doesn’t know when my body has cooled back down again and in the absence of this vital information it just keeps on sweating vigourously – a termed called “Reflux Sweating”.
As a result my body now goes into uncontrollable floods of sweat that can last for hours on end. This happens from the armpits downwards and includes everything – my chest, back, groin area, bottom, legs and feet. My clothes are literally drenched through.
Post ETS Anhidrosis. ETS手術後上半身無汗
• I have complete anhidrosis from the nipple line up. I do not sweat at all now on my neck, face, head, arms or hands. As a result my skin can get very dry and I have to continually put cream on these areas. Also as there is no natural cooling of these areas it leaves them susceptible to overheating and damage to sunlight. It is amazing once it is taken away how much I miss the refreshing cooling sensation of sweat on my head and face.
• My hands have become so dry that the skin peels and cracks – so much so that on occasions they actually bleed!! I have to put copious quantities of moisturizer creams and E45 on them. Because my hands are so dry I cannot lift up anything or even turn a page of a book without licking them first – people in work have even commented on this
• I suffer from dry spots and rashes all over my body.
My Compensatory and reflux Sweating Symptoms 我的反射性流汗症狀
My sweating would be acceptable if it occurred normally and naturally during heavy exercise or in very hot environments.
However this will happen in the following situations:-
• during even the lightest exercise – 就算做很輕微的運動也會大量流汗
• going for even a short walk 走一段很短的路
• walking around the town shopping 逛街
• playing two holes of golf even on a cold day 冬天時打兩個洞的高爾夫球
• even just sitting in a chair in a warm room or warm day. 天氣暖和時坐在椅子上也會流汗
• after a warm shower even when I finish with a cold shower as I always do.
• asleep in bed (I have woken up drenched in sweat on numerous occasions –not from nightmares or anything like that).
• even drinking a cup of tea 喝一杯茶
• eating my dinner (and I don’t mean a curry- just a normal dinner)
• even wearing just a pair of shorts on a hot day.
Other complications of my condition are as follows:-
• my feet often are burning at night in bed (I have to put cream on them just to try and cool them down). Sometimes I even had to put an ice pack on them it is so bad.
• I generally feel very hot in bed (quite often have to sleep with just a sheet over me) and as a result I have extreme difficultly getting to sleep.
• When I play a round of golf (18 holes) I sweat so much that to my body it is probably the equivalent of running a marathon. This leaves my leg muscles stiff, sore and cramped up. It leaves me physically exhausted something that never happened me before.
• My joints have become extremely stiff. My left hip in particular has become very bad and I cannot stretch on this hip properly.
General day to day impacts on my daily life and lifestyle:-
• My office tends to be warm and as a result I dread going into work because I know that I will be sweating profusely for most of the day. Every morning in work I open all the office windows (despite the complaints of some!). I have a fan continually switched on and directed me. Even on days where people all around are wearing sweaters I can be in floods of sweat even just sitting in a chair at a desk!! Several times a day I may have to go out to the toilets, get some toilet roll and wipe the sweat from my chest and back – at this point my vest will be completely soaked through. Quite often I am drenched in sweat again by the time I get back to my desk. Hardly a week goes past without me wanting to quit my job – only my determination keeps me going. If I had a physical job to do then I would never be able to get through the day.
• I have to wear loose fitting clothes to try and get air circulating about my skin in order to keep as cool as possible. I would prefer to dress in a neat and tidy manner with shirts and tee-shirts tucked into my pants or jeans. However I have to wear them loose and sloppy and not tucked in. I could not even contemplate wearing a suit or even a shirt and tie. This gives me an unprofessional look in my office which will hamper any professional advancement. I have to wear dark clothes because they don’t show up the sweat to the same degree. As a result I can only wear a fraction of my clothes.
• I have to wear vests under my clothes to soak up the sweat even though I hate wearing them and never had to before. It makes me feel like an old man.
• My feet now sweat deplorably and I have to wear sandals to work on a warm day again making feel like an old man.
• I dread going shopping because the walking between shops will leave me soaked.
• I dread going to warm pubs or niteclubs. 我恐懼去溫暖的酒吧或夜總會。
• I dread visiting friends or relations whose house might be warm. 我恐懼到親友家,他們家有可能溫度較高。
• Playing golf on a warm balmy summer’s evening used to be a pleasure for me but now it is a nightmare situation which I cannot enjoy as I am soaked in sweat from start to finish. I have completed rounds of golf only to find a white ring around the perimeter of my tee-shirt and underpants as a result of all the salts I have lost through sweating!! I am like a horse lathered up in a white sweat!!
• Going to the driving range and hitting a bucket of 80 balls even in the cool of the night at 10.00pm leaves me soaked in sweat.
• I have suffered so much worry, stress, anxiety and sleepless nights as a result of this operation. I have felt suicidal at times. In fact at times my fantastic seven year old daughter has been one of the few things that has kept me going.
• Because I sweat so much in going to the gym or playing golf it leaves me totally drained and exhausted afterwards. It is as if my body has run a marathon it has lost so much fluid. I tend to feel very stiff afterwards probably as a result of all the lactic acid that has built up in my muscles.
• I now fear close contact or intimate situations with women. 我害怕與女人有親密的接觸。
• I cannot even consider going abroad on a sun holiday now – something every normal person would naturally look forward to.
• A simple pleasure to most people – a nice warm summer’s day is now a nightmare for me
• Not a day goes past when I am worried and stressed about whether my condition will ever be cured and wishing I never had this operation. Everyday I wish that a miracle could happen and I could return to my original state.
• I am depressed. My mind has got slower. My capacity to assimilate information has been reduced. I find it hard to concentrate and focus mentally.
• I have used up vast amounts of my spare time reading up on ETS on the internet and emailing others in a desperate attempt to find some way out of my predicament.
My blushing. 有關我臉紅的問題
My blushing problem has significantly reduced. I find that instead of blushing I will sweat on my body. It is as if the heat is dissipated through my body instead of on my face and head. However this has been attained at an astronomical price. While the blushing was bothersome, it only occurred in social situations – it was temporary and would pass within a minute or so. The C.S. is permanent, can happen irrespective of the situation and takes hours to pass. I would give anything to go back to my original state if at all possible.
E.T.S. Forums. ETS論壇
At this point in time I started to visit websites that had ETS forums. Unfortunately I had previously never known such things existed - I wish I had known about them before my operation but my knowledge of the internet was limited at that point. As soon as I found these forums I knew I was in trouble. I came across hundreds of cases with the exact same C.S. symptoms as myself.
A lot of these patients are in despair and can only manage their symptoms as best they can. Almost none have ever had any improvement in their condition. I quickly realised that this operation had condemned me to a life of hell.
These websites also list numerous other symptoms resulting from this operation most of which I have thankfully avoided.
The list of potential side effects from ETS include:
Decreased physical capacity 減低運動體能
Reduced blood circulation 血液循環變差
Stomach problems (constipation or diarrhea) 腸胃道問題(便秘或腹瀉)
Impotence 陽萎
Thermoregulatory collapse 體溫調控系統崩潰
Dizziness 暈眩
Tinnitus 耳鳴
Rhinitis 鼻炎
Skin Problems 皮膚炎
Severe Hyperhidrosis 嚴重出汗
Oversensitivity to stress 對壓力敏感
Oversensitivity to normal stimuli (sounds and light) 對正常刺激反應過度(聲及光)
Muscular weakness 肌肉無力
Horners syndrome 荷納氏症候群
Reduced pulse 脈搏變慢
Shortness of breath 喘不過氣
Pain 痛
Chronic fatigue 慢性疲勞
Death 死亡
Raynauds disease 雷諾氏症
Palpitations 心悸
Puffy eyes 眼腫
Flushing 潮紅
Bradycardia 心博變慢
Gustatory Sweating – sweating while eating. 味覺型出汗-吃東西時出汗
Of these symptoms I now suffer from reduced pulse, skin problems, dizziness in warm weather, decreased physical capacity, fatigue, occasional gustatory sweating and severe Hyperhydrosis (CS).
Here are links to some of these websites
ETS “Reversal” ETS逆轉手術
A number of E.T.S. surgeons now claim to have a “reversal” operation - it is a transplant and bypass operation. By using a donor nerve (either the “sural” nerve from the ankle area or an “intercostal” nerve from the chest area) they use this to bridge the gap across the severed nerves linking the live parts of the sympathetic nerve chain. In my case this would mean joining the still live T5 tier to the still live T1 tier. The donor nerve dies within a few weeks but it acts as a conduit for fresh nerve to grow along it. This can take years according to the surgeons. However from personally meeting patients who had this “reversal” the only improvement it has made is in returning some slight sweating to the anhydrous areas - mainly the hands and head. It has not decreased the C.S. at all which is the most severe symptom that needs to be resolved.
Medication. 藥物
One other solution is medication. There are three drugs I know of used to control sweating – Ditropan, Probantine and Robinul. I have tried Ditropan and Probantine but apart from leaving me with an outrageous thirst they did nothing for me. I have not tried Robinul yet although it appears to be the least effective of the three drugs. In any case I do not want to be on medication for the rest of my life especially for a condition I never had before!!!
Stem Cell Research 幹細胞研究
Currently the only real hope of a successful reversal operation is through “Stem Cell Research” - using stem cells to grow new nerves to replace the ones that have been destroyed. Even then it probably would rely on a new grafting technique to successfully incorporate them into the sympathetic nervous system. However having communicated with a number of research companies and laboratories and myself and others have been told that a successful reversal would be perhaps ten years away - if at all.
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